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Registered: 01-14-2005 Location:
posted on 01-15-2005 at 07:09 |
Hey Guys, What Does a Hymen Mean to You?
I've heard a lot of "professionals" (doctors, tampon companies, sex-ed teacher, porn stars, and just plain perverts) spout off about a hymen, or the lack thereof, having nothing to do with virginity.
Problem is, I'm not looking to have myself or another woman as a sexual partner. And, it seems all the advice out there is geared to toward protecting my self-esteem or making me feel accepted in the feminine ranks of society.
Well screw that!! I've only got one cherry, if I lose it, my hymen isn't growing back, so I have got this right the first time. So here's a question for you "Mr. Right"....
If you are a man that views sex as part of a long term commitment and loving relationship what does a virgin having an intact hymen mean to you?
Posts: 5
Registered: 05-26-2005 Location: Toms River, NJ
posted on 05-27-2005 at 02:11 |
To me an intact hymen means that this girl is still pure-she has not engaged in any sexual activity and is waiting for the right guy to come along to share new experiences with. It also means to me that she is kind, gentle, and delicate-in my eyes she is perfect. How I wish to find a girl as pure as that.........
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Registered: 05-10-2005 Location:
posted on 06-04-2005 at 04:03 |
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Registered: 07-19-2005 Location:
posted on 07-19-2005 at 16:15 |
What Virginty means too me
All I ever wanted was to be married to a virgin, knowing that what ever I tried my best at in life from sports to being successful would not alter my self-esteem if I had failed. I would be first with someone who waited for me to find them and live life the way it should've been lived. I married a non-virgin and regret that I should have waited.
Posts: 2
Registered: 08-30-2005 Location:
posted on 08-30-2005 at 08:20 |
my girlfriend is still a virgin, she has sworn her virginity to me when she is ready.
When she did so i almost cried, she values me worthy of such a mighty gift, her very purity.
The hymen, virginity itself is a gift from birth, a most important one and if a girl gives it to you, it should be considered a great honor of trust and love. :D
Junior Member
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Registered: 08-30-2005 Location:
posted on 08-30-2005 at 08:30 |
omg so cute!!
'my girlfriend is still a virgin, she has sworn her virginity to me when she is ready.
When she did so i almost cried, she values me worthy of such a mighty gift, her very purity.
The hymen, virginity itself is a gift from birth, a most important one and if a girl gives it to you, it should be considered a great honor of trust and love. :D'
OMG that is so cute, someone give that guy a cookie <3
The Virgin Nurse
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Posts: 117
Registered: 06-04-2005 Location: Somewhere in Louisiana
posted on 09-05-2005 at 19:24 |
Hey Guys, What Does a Hymen Mean to You?
I've heard a lot of "professionals" (doctors, tampon companies, sex-ed teacher, porn stars, and just plain perverts) spout off about a hymen, or the lack thereof, having nothing to do with virginity.
Problem is, I'm not looking to have myself or another woman as a sexual partner. And, it seems all the advice out there is geared to toward protecting my self-esteem or making me feel accepted in the feminine ranks of society.
Well screw that!! I've only got one cherry, if I lose it, my hymen isn't growing back, so I have got this right the first time. So here's a question for you "Mr. Right"....
If you are a man that views sex as part of a long term commitment and loving relationship what does a virgin having an intact hymen mean to you?
Get ready for a punch line.
This is something around the corner a guy would say " Tighter Hole" HAHAH!!
*coughs* Sorry...anyway. I'm a girl and I respect the fact that keeping your hymen is smart. I see it as a sepration. (somehow) I'm still a PROUD VIRGIN and I am almost 16. Most kids at school think I've already lost my virginity because I hang out with boys most of the time. That doesn't mean anything! I prefer to hang out with them because I can't get out of my past phrase as a tomboy....ok..I'm done...Nice to see everyone again. This stupid hurricane down here has been a week headache!
Posts: 1
Registered: 09-09-2005 Location:
posted on 09-09-2005 at 11:25 |
It doesn't matter
You know, to me the hymen means nothing. For a real, loving relationship, sex plays a very small part. The girl I love is a virgin, but if she wasn't, I really don't think I would care, because I'm in love with her, not some physical membrane that has or hasn't been broken yet.
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Registered: 02-03-2006 Location:
posted on 02-03-2006 at 20:17 |
From personal experience, virginity is very important, I wanted to marry a virgin alot, sadly I fell in love with someone who came from a bit of a dark past. It bothered me a lot for a couple years, and now 5 years into our relationship we are still going to marriage councilling because of it. I never regret marrying her, and I love her with all my heart, but i wish every day that she had been a virgin.
Posts: 61
Registered: 02-16-2006 Location:
posted on 02-16-2006 at 00:51 |
I agree with the poster that said it means she is pure, unless she says she has done anything else.
I'll only marry a virgin.
I'm one myself.
Virginity is something you give to your spouse after marriage.
Posts: 8
Registered: 05-24-2006 Location:
posted on 05-24-2006 at 22:37 |
Did any of you ever take a sex education class?
The hymen can very easily be torn at any time growing up. A girl can be doing anything strenuous and tear her hymen. Shoot, riding a bike can do it.
Virginity is lost when a penis is inserted into a vagina. Nothing else.
Some cultures believe that if a hymen isn't intact that the female had obviously been a whore. How stupid is that?
Some people.
Posts: 68
Registered: 06-30-2005 Location:
posted on 05-28-2006 at 10:59 |
Crazy people
'Did any of you ever take a sex education class?
The hymen can very easily be torn at any time growing up. A girl can be doing anything strenuous and tear her hymen. Shoot, riding a bike can do it.
Virginity is lost when a penis is inserted into a vagina. Nothing else.
Some cultures believe that if a hymen isn't intact that the female had obviously been a whore. How stupid is that?
Some people. '
Tell me about it! There were a lot of virgins who were killed in these cultures, because they didn't have a hymen. Some women are born without a hymen as well.
Not to mention, an intact hymen is no proof of virginity either. Some women have flexible enough hymens to bend or fold down which can survive up to several sexual encounters.
Hows this! If a man has ever in his life 'touched' his member (whether Masturbation or even 'peeing') they are no longer a virgin and I would refuse to marry them....lol, it sounds crazy, but this is some of the logic I've heard from people on here....like a women who wears tampons is somehow 'tainted', yeah, well then a man who has ever touched his penis, even in a non-sexual manner, is no longer a virgin either....it works two ways.
It's sad how many people here are going to marry ONLY because they FINALLY managed to find a virgin, rather than for love. It's amazing how some people are more in love with a layer of skin than the actual women Love is not 'black and white' therefore people shouldn't follow rules and regulations. People should avoid the whole "I HAVE to marry a virgin or else" statements because then they've fallen into legalism, not true christianity. Or else they follow a religion that dictates how they should live their life. This will not bring a happy marriage. God came to give people freedom, not bind people down with rules.
If people are obsessed with having to find a virgin, it has become an unhealthy, self-serving and selfish fixation, similar to people who have 'fetishes'
I'm a virgin myself but I would refuse to marry someone who is with me ONLY because I'm a virgin or because they 'finally' found a virgin. I want someone to marry me even if I wasn't a virgin because it shows the guy accepts ALL of you and can deal with your faults. It shows the guy cares about YOU not your 'virgin status' I wan't a guy who is pleased I'm a virgin but not hard-core about it. That makes me wonder, what kind of rules they're following to give them that hard-core obsession.
Junior Member
Posts: 22
Registered: 06-21-2006 Location:
posted on 07-03-2006 at 15:15 |
I dont get the big thing about the hymen either. As someone said it can be torn easily as a girls growing up and some girls aren't born with one at all. I also find it very hard to belive that in this day and age some people actually still think you can lose your virginity by using a tampon!!
Posts: 64
Registered: 02-26-2006 Location:
posted on 07-16-2006 at 01:29 |
Tell me about it
'I dont get the big thing about the hymen either. As someone said it can be torn easily as a girls growing up and some girls aren't born with one at all. I also find it very hard to belive that in this day and age some people actually still think you can lose your virginity by using a tampon!! '
Lol...Only on this site do people seem uneducated. And the scary thing is that some of the people here who believe this are in their 30's.
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