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Author: admin Subject: Maria Cantwell desperately presented false and misleading testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
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Posts: 84
Registered: 08-03-2005
Location: Santa Monica, CA.

posted on 06-26-2006 at 23:48 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Maria Cantwell desperately presented false and misleading testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee

Congress sabotages international marriage, romance for vets

Dave Root, Damascus

While we weren't looking Congress along with some extreme feminist groups used the "backdoor" to strip you of your right to choose whom you wish to date and marry by implementing the International Marriage Broker Regulation Act (IMBRA). The new law severely limits a man's ability to date and marry foreign women. These "International marriages" have lower divorce rates than the 50 percent average for all US citizens.

The new law will affect veterans and others - 60,000 marriages occur each year between veterans and foreign women. The stated purpose of the new law was to protect foreign immigrant women from violence stemming from a few unfortunate cases of foreign immigrant women who were abused by their husbands. Everyone agrees protecting women from violence is important, but IMBRA is a senseless law creating an "iron curtain" that actually increases violence against women.

The provisions of the new law are draconian, requiring clients of International marriage agencies ("marriage brokers") to provide sensitive background information (personal and criminal) to marriage brokers before sending love letters to foreign women. Since when are Americans required to provide documents just for the purpose of writing a love letter?

Another provision amends the application form for so-called "fiancŽe Visas" with numerous questions including: Whether or not the romance was arranged by an international broker and if the U.S. citizen has ever been accused of various crimes including alcohol offenses. IMBRA is a confusing bureaucratic nightmare.

Recently the Department of Homeland Security missed a deadline to revise the old petition forms, resulting in 10,000 "indefinite delays" trashing and destroying those marriages. Many of those affected by the recall are veterans. While these American servicemen have been fighting for their country, these extreme feminist groups made "backdoor" arrangements with YOUR legislators creating IMBRA and preventing them from marrying the person they love.

Proponents of IMBRA were unable to get much support for IMBRA when the law was introduced in 2003. Most legislators felt the controversial law was a severe impingement of men's privacy rights. The manner in which IMBRA passed was an atrocity reminiscent of the old Soviet Politburo, being passed by an undemocratic voice vote with no debate, no questions answered and no violence statistics presented comparing violence rates. IMBRA reeks of political corruption and scandal on a massive level.

Ironically, the largest international dating agencies are exempt from IMBRA for suspicious reasons. Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Washington) desperately presented false and misleading testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on July 14, 2004 (falsely) claiming international marriage brokers were involved in human trafficking of women into the United States. A DOJ study had already concluded no such correlation.

Clients of IMBs are essentially a "politically unpopular group." The collective "mass psychological" behavior of human beings sometimes dictates totally irrational responses to events similar to mob anger mentality. Japanese Americans during World War II, a politically unpopular group, were placed in internment camps having done nothing wrong.

The proponents continue to use deception , distortion and exaggeration, all of which are a form of lying (political McCarthyism). They carefully engineer "one sided" media interviews with no opposing point of view.

IMBRA proponents sensationalize the three foreign immigrant women killed by American men in "mail order bride arrangements" in 10 years, masking the ugly American fact that 14,000 American women citizens have been killed by their intimate partner in the same time frame. The only problem with these "International marriages" is a false perception created by IMBRA proponents.

IMBRA is a violation of the rights of people living in America. People living everywhere should have the right to choose whom they marry without government interference. Fellow citizens, please contact your elected representatives and ask for repeal of The "International Marriage Broker Regulation Act of 2005." Please contact your fellow veterans also.

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