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Author: romancefer Subject: This is a proof that women are fooling men in line

Posts: 8
Registered: 08-05-2009

posted on 08-19-2009 at 11:34 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
This is a proof that women are fooling men on line

This is the monument to somebody’s treason, a woman very dear to me during the time I co-operated with her in a pseudonymous “marriage agency” of Medellin. I do not know why she betrayed me, but I want her to remember her treason with this monument of my truth. What you are about to read is not fictitious at all. The men listed here, mainly nicknamed, were the ones Sandgom and I tricked out of their time and their money, for more than six months (January – June of 2009) by making them to believe she was in love with them.

Who am I?
I am Estefalu. I was hired by the Medellin pseudonymous “marriage agency” I
 Links for more than 11 months (August 2008 – June 2009), to seduce men into chatting, by ghosting flatteries on line for women whose “jobs” were merely to sit by my side and to smile at WEB camera. We are euphemized as “translators” or “cupids”, whereas our real task is the one of an on-line “ghost” (One who secretly does artistic or literary work for another person, the latter taking the credit.)

Who is Sandgom?
She is a Colombian woman who was earning her living by “dating” with several men on line. I teamed up with her for six months (January – June of 2009), to trick men on line. She was the last “product” of the “agency”, a kind of life-belt for its break-up, which have suddenly been caused for general desertion. If it was difficult to woman the “agency”, it was almost impossible to keep the few ones who ventured on it. Money littleness or reluctance to cheat men? I think that it was, fortunately, more for the latter than for the former. I mean with “life-belt” that more than one of our tricked foreigners expressed their intention of coming to Medellin by July, August and September, to meet Sandgom. Money is what the “agency” wants urgently, to avoid the “sinking”. Dollars are always welcome, mainly because of disproportion between littleness and dearness: what “agency” gives foreigner and what this one pays for it.

The Cause of My Denounce
Few days after my publishing a first blog (I suggest you to read it now before reading this one), in which I denounced the deceitfulness concerted between I
 Links, marriage “agency” owned by Mrs Adriana O., alias Babydoll, and the “dating” sites and, owned by certain Gregory, Sandgom and her “manager” contrived a plan to contradict me: they pretend to be “victimized” by me, pretexting a malevolence of my part against them, subordinated to a certain volition of vengeance. They have vainly endeavoured to deter me from my purpose of denouncing them with threats of lawsuits against me.
So, I thought the best means to prove this denounce to be true was by telling every thing related to the “agency”. No sophism will be now valid to deny the facts here exposed.

If you are “sweethearting on line” a woman from Ukraine, Peru, or Colombia, you ought to peruse my experience as an almost-one-year “translator”. If you find out one of your friends to be “dating” on line with Ukrainian women and with women from Colombia or from Peru, warn him against this ruse perpetrated through, and its disdainable allied agencies. Let’s unite against these scammers!

Beginning My Task
Well, well, Mr Patrick, Mr. Pedro
 You are not the main subject of this memorial work of mine, but I decided to mention you early in this chapter, because I favoured you somehow or other when I was teamed up with Sweethmartha and Sandgom in that rarity of “ghosting” flatteries for you. I was tasked to cheat men into chat. I do not repent of having almost perfectly executed my task, but I would have pleased myself with the notice of having matched you with Sandgom and Sweetmartha, respectively. I transgressed some rules of the “site” and I counselled both women, with the hope of mitigating the grievousness of our wrongs. Notwithstanding, our volitions resulted in an irremediable antagonism, and our dissents unfriended us. I do not know what has become of Sandgom and Sweetmartha. I do not mean to become a vituperator of them, but to denounce the concealed facts concerning both “agencies”: the one in Florida and the other in Medellín.
I was confessedly one of best “on line cheaters” during the last six months I worked in the “agency”. It was for sure a promotion as unexpected as the job itself. I am thinking back to my first three hours in that “upstairs house-office”
 I am precluding suddenly this remembrance
 I will begin rather with the Babydoll’s telephoning to me, one week before my first three hours
 She said that it was about “translating” in a live chat for marriageable women
 I do not know when and how did Babydoll begin this business of having men fooled on line
 She never mentioned the words CHEAT, CHEATER or CHEATED
 I was supposed to “translate” amatory talks
 I came submissively to that “house-office”, an eve of 2008 August, without suspecting myself to be under an alternate “fooling” in which, once I know the unnamed reality, I should not care for it, but smile away any attempt to denominate it. Every one was to act a part in this comedy, but no one should change the title of this one: “Serious Women in Search of a Husband”. I am not hyperbolizing at all with such word as this of “comedy”, for the facts posterior to every chat session in the “house-office” evidenced the hilarious effect of fun. In this comical series, produced by Babydoll and her Florida allied agency, Latinmelody was the school teacher; Eve, the bank accountant; and Rubi, the environmentalist. This trio of comedians was the Babydoll’s staff when I began my work there and all three had been curiously housed in the “house-office” as result of a womanly covenant of several sly terms. They remained congenially there from Monday to Saturday before noon. Monday and Saturday eve were intended for rejoining family, friends and betrothed
 The Latinmelody’s teachership, the Eve’s accountantship and the Rubi’s environmentalism were unrealities presented as professions to the on line men; so, they used to leisure for hours
 Early in the day, their “leader”, Babydoll, composed incuriously the “day letter” for them to send to as many men as possible before darkness —they four thought pertinaciously that the first hours of night were the fittest to meet men in chat. The four or fives lines constituting this common letter mediated the “day lie” —I dreamt of you last night, for example— and a promise of wearing mini skirt by the time they would be on Web Camera. Ah! The camera! How lucrative it is! If the WEB camera standing before these women would have panned around the computer room, men would have seen Babydoll, SH or Gloria B urging for “poses” instead of mere sittings. None of Babydoll’s staff was able to precise how many “pesos” (Colombian money) their video streaming was worth
 Poor women! Latinmelody, Eve, Rubi, Sandgom, Tropicalsun, Ilusion
 None of them, neither me, knew what method, if any, Babydoll employed to distribute the video gains among her, her staff and the Florida “agency”. One video minute is much more lucrative than two hundreds words obtained trickily from a foreigner
 As in the predator-prey relationships, so in human ones, the fooler, alternately, becomes fooled. Doubtlessly, Babydoll and her allied “agency” profit shamelessly of the impossibility of signing with the “marriageable” women for a wage contract, to keep the majority of gains. To complain about this abuse before an authority would be tantamount to confess that they are earning wages for fooling men on line.
Babydoll did not suffer any of her “women” to turn off their cameras. It was almost imperative for them to continue sitting at the computer from 6 till 10 p. m., with the permission to stand, whenever they were playfully asked to dance or to pose. There being no wage contract, this secret job of playing “the marriageable enamoured woman” can be thought as an act of faith in which Babydoll is to be termed TRUSTEE; and her women, trusters. But this is hardly true: Rubi and Sandgom mistrusted her likewise as the congregants of a mafia do. Women get a variable pay every fifteen days. This variableness is undoubtedly discretionary, not ascertained through such instruments as a counter or a calculator. The cause why Rubi renounced this “job”, some weeks after I began mine, was exactly a discrepancy as to the wage she got from Babydoll. Sandgom never met her “boss”, but she knew that Babydoll controls dissemblingly her business from U.S.A., where she moved in December of 2008 to marry a man.
The vacancy left by Rubi was supplied with Tropicalsun, one then 37 years old woman, who began soon to increase Babydoll’s gains. The great number of men beguiled by the team “Tropicalsun-translator” is explainable by the conjecture that Babydoll, whose on-line men were numerous, introduced subtly Tropicalsun to them (otherwise said, she insinuated her to them.)
I liked my new job, notwithstanding the wrongness of conspiring almost wordlessly with these women to beguile men on line. In October of 2008, I still liked my job, notwithstanding the annoying urgence of Latinmelody, my teamer, my “personation”, my representee, who reprehended me often for my being unsolicitous in asking “gifts” for her. What I mean by “gift”, or what they mean by “gift”, is a commission of 10% for something that on line men believe to have ordered: flowers, candies, teddy bears, English lessons, and golden laces. “Gifts” are as falsified as the common phrases “Your age does not matter” and “I am searching for my right man”. Flowers are not false at all: they are not “flowers”. The same is to be said about the “candies”, the “teddy bears”, the “English Lessons” and the “golden laces”. To buy “gifts” on line from the hot-Russian (love-Russian) scammers is the following error that men do after the one of “buying credits” to chat unsuspiciously with their “comedians”. Babydoll, the owner of that Medellin “agency”, and her Florida boss, may be impossibly happier than at the coming here of one of their fooled men. To consent to “buy” their package offer (which comprises personal information about the woman, boarding and lodging in the “house-office” pseudonymously named “agency”) is the third error that beguiled men commit. They charge 300 U. S. dollars the visitor for such “services”. Do not mistake me: this amount, euphonious to Babydoll and her Florida Boss, is not for a “two-week service”, but for “a day” one. Read it again: 300 U. S. dollars a day! Here, I am forced again to use the word “comedy”, by imagining the visitor’s face, his visage of disappointment when he is complaisantly guided through his “300 dollars lodge”. Nothing about the Babydoll’s “house-office” has the smallest resemblance of a hotel. If a visitor would happen to dissent from me in this opinion, it shall be in consequence of either his liking the smell of cannabis that haunts the house through the hidden smokers haunting the small park that is without, or his never having been in a hotel.
Babydoll was no granter of a permanent job for me. I lacked a wage contract, as any of her three “women”. I was able by no means to secure this curious job to myself. As a congregant of that company of disguised beguilers, I might be dismissed from it with no formalities, just like members of a mafia. At last, Babydoll’s mother was the “firer”, or the one who “fired” at me in the mid June of 2009, without explicit reasons, without explanation, without a series of shots but one only: the bullet of an imperfectly framed lie intended to keep me away from the “house-office”. It was not bloody, but unpardonably disrespectful.
It being impossible to inquire the cause why Babydoll ordered her mother to “fire” me, I become now conjectural in this one. Maybe I already knew “too much” of her business. Maybe she was confident that she and her mother would keep me away from it, and that they would lie me into a permanent wait of weeks and months (with a “We will call back you soon”), during which I would be an abstainer of denouncing their duplicity, as the other dismissed “translators” have been.
In fact, I expected such misbehaviour from Babydoll since she began to experiment with me in November of 2008. Until then, I had almost congenially been teamed up with Latinmelody. Babydoll commanded me imperatively to team with Eve (Aphrodite), in order to increase the fooled men on line. Alas for this unpleasant change! I disliked Eve as I abhor TV. She was as uninteresting as any of my aunts.
“Boss, why such a change?” I asked her bewilderedly. Her reply was as despicable as the possible forbearance of this one would: “Just because I was willing”.
My misfortune of being the Eve’s teamer did not last fortunately. She and Latinmelody discontinued their work for the “agency” before December of 2008, the cause being other than a volition of discontinuing them. The absence of these two female jobbers and the Babydoll’s preparations in order to move to USA made me to despair of prolonging my work in the Madame Babydoll’s business. Were it not for the Babydoll’s misbehaviour, I would have accidentally been deprived of the best time (funny, otherwise said) in the “agency”, which happens to be from January to June of 2009. Were it not for Babydoll’s commanding me to personate Sweetdiana1, Sweetdiana2, Sweetyamile and Sweetmargara (women whom I never met but whose profiles existed on line as a relic of incautious users of the “agency”), there would not have been the bridge between the next manager of the “agency”, SH, and me.
I was Sweetdiana1, Sweetdiana2, Sweetyamile and Sweetmargara for more than 15 days in December. I executed this job from a public pc near to my house. Every night, I emailed a due report of it to the “agency”. For more than 15 days, I cheated men on line otherwise than I did before and after. I do not know how many “translators” in other “agencies” are tasked with personating women who have abandoned their profiles, but, undoubtedly, this commission from part of Babydoll was no exception to an “impossible orthopraxy”.
Babydoll’s business did not end with her moving to USA, as I expected concernedly. SH, her stepmother, was confided with the administration of it for the first six months of 2009.

Sandgom. My first look at her.
It was early January. Anita25 and lina860 had been unexpectedly brief in the “agency”: no less than two weeks. The desertion of the first one and the dismissal of the latter one were the respective consequences of unsatisfactory results and little lucre in the chat venture. I did not know who would be the next woman SH meant to sit by my side. I did not expect then a Sandy Style in beauty and sexiness, but maybe if Sandgom would have resembled little Latinmelody or Sweethmartha, the two women for whom I “ghosted” successful chats in the last months of 2008, I would not have despaired of prospering her as instantaneously as I did the first time I saw her in the “agency”. I am not meaning that she is ugly, still less that she is not sexy, but that her both beauty and sexiness were slow to affect me. Should I attribute this prolonged and secret “I don’t like you” to an early bandage by which I had prohibited myself from thinking of her as a possible heterosexual delight? For these six months (January-June of 2009), what almost imperceptible processes did combine to make me to unbandage my eyes? Was there something personal to her, able to alter my dislike of her? I mean, was there nothing superficial but female effluvia transferred through her voice, her skin and her fragrances, which lined me amatorially in a virtual rivalry with the multitude of her on line men? Should I fancy her as a colourful butterfly after a six months cocooning? If not, instead of metamorphosic changes resulting from a 13 months post partum shrinking, and of cosmetic beautifyings, would it be fittest to repute myself to have commiserated with her in her lonely motherhood? One 10 years son and one 13 months daughter, left by their fathers, are unequivocal reference of difficulties, even if Sandgom’s mother was babysitting them while working her 8 hours shift in the “agency”.
How many more times did I see Sandgom sitting by my side after this first encounter, without its occurring to me that she would become as lucrative as Tropicalsun in no less than six months? Now I have been parted from her, how far can the butterfly fly, without her “ghost”?

The Sandgom’s First Men on Line

I think it is already clear that I was not an instantaneous admirer of Sandgom, nor I was such in the first 20 weeks subsequent to our first chat session. The only man we netted the first day, and the other two ones we got the following two days, confirmed me in that almost unreasoned and unuterred conclusion I had made by physiognomizing her. I was not an early admirer, but a secret condemner. I had unreally condemned her to a “renouncement”, as I did with Lina860 and with Yolmar. Three men in three days! This was proof enough of “she will not be lucrative”! Well, well! Maybe you should be now puzzling yourself with this paradox, while interjectionalizing something like “what? A condemner who condemns for what the trialist was likely to be, not for what she had done?” Business is business, as they say, and the “agency” is not at all a philanthropic resort, even if SH’s mercifulness prevailed always over the commercialisms ordered by the owner, who is controlling accounts from U. S. The order was, when a trialist proves not to be lucrative, “dismiss her” or, to circumlocutionize the order, “ask her to let other woman be tried in that computer”. For the first three months of 2009, SH, the manager of the “agency” in the January-June period, wanted women to be brief in the “office trial”: she who would not be able to chat with at least six men simultaneously, she should renounce her “translator” and her computer in a time not greater than two weeks. But much, if not all, of her managership design become frustrated: of 12 computers she had computerized the office-house with, only five were almost permanently staffed by women and “translators”, and her absurd enouncement that she would triplicate “offices” in other cities than Medellin did not materialize. What would have become of the “agency” without the on line Sandgom’s men? What if SH would have executed in February my “secret condemn” against Sandgom, by saying her “sorry, you are not lucrative”? Yes! These questions are meant to be merely rhetorical, because I know well the replies. The money wrought out by my ghosting flatteries and by her video streaming supplied enough the one wrought out by Tropicalsun, who, early in February, had suddenly ceased her work in the “agency” for the dissatisfaction of her pays.
Were it not for Tropicalsun, Sandgom would not have become an adopter of the “dĂ©colletages” as a means to allure men to our chat. They both were artificially big-breasted, which had undoubtedly advantaged them. Tropicalsun was there not to show a pattern of coquetry to our trialists. I can assure, however, Sandgom patterned her partial uncovering of neck and breast after that living model. It’s impossible not to conclude something like this, by remembering that they sat almost contiguously in the three-seater table. Sandgom would perceive the Tropicalsun’s satisfaction at the collection of on line men that she and her “translator” kept simultaneously, whereas our men amounted to no more than three: Russell, Patrick Short and a certain Gregg. Of this trio, it was only Patrick who persevered in following complaisantly Sandgom for months. We lost Russell and Gregg, but, instead, we gained, Scott, Alan, Willie, Daniel, etc., week after week, month after month. Some of men left by Tropicalsun derived to us: Myron Curley, Michael, Dave (1).

Who Were our Men in Chat and How We did Cheat Them?

Patrick Short.
Language: English
I remember the first time I met him in chat. It was in the last days of January, or in the first days of February. I did not expect him to be the man who would become an assiduous chatterer, and neither does Sandgom. His early statement that his ex wife had been adulterous was something rather expectable than surprising. The express reason of most of our chatterers being in a “dating site” was almost uniform: the unfaithfulness, if not, the frivolity of USA women.
Were Patrick’s likings congenerous with the Sandgom’s ones? He used to state that he liked Baseball, golf, and Iced Earth; whereas Sandgom said that she used to play baseball when she was one child, but now, in her adulthood, she said to be only into extreme sports, which results to be unbelievable for her early motherhood.
As I have said before, Patrick was assiduous in our chats as a real betrothed. His appearance in chat was expected usually after 7 p. m. our time; this is, after five hours of our having been beguiling several men into our ruse. It was easy to infer that the man was busy. His almost punctual “I have just come from office” was something impossible to doubt, with our knowing that he is the vice president of a bank. During the five or six months I treated him in concomitance with Sandgom, I tried to be complaisantly jocose, as a consequence of our intelligence that he liked much the good humour of one of us two. I do not know actually whose good humour was the one meant by Patrick, mine or Sandgom’s? Of all men I had beguiled for these six months, only Patrick, Brad and Kelly were interesting to Sandgom, and, consequent upon this, she endeavoured to partake with me in the subjects of our chats. Sometimes, she was the one who suggested one joke for me to typing, but often we had busy evenings, more than six men in chat concurrently, in which I was not able to expect any suggestion of Sandgom, nor to talk to her, every joke and every question being then of my authority. It was I who characterized whimsically Sandgom as a “compulsory woman”, as the “woman who would jump over Patrick at the first meeting”, notwithstanding my ignorance about her passional deeds. I dare guess Sandgom is not this kind of woman who would kiss a man on her initiative, but her son.
It was not difficult to deceive Patrick, by keyboarding anything. I would like to know if he is really as unsuspicious as he shows to be. He seemed to be credulous enough to credit any pretext. Anything pretended by Sandgom, like “My love, this week I’m going to partake in a seminar; so, I am not able to meet you in chat for one or two weeks” (didn’t Patrick suspect she was pretexting such thing to meet a man who meant to travel from United States to Medellin to visit her?), or “My love, I am about to work here in the ‘agency’ as a promotress
 I will be the person commissioned with the task of explaining women here how the ‘agency’ works”, was unquestionably credited by Patrick. A little of suspicion in him would have caused him to log in early. Let’s suppose a time between 3 p. m. and 6 p. m. He might have found her beloved in line, with her video on. What would she have pretexted as a reply to the sudden question “Baby, why you are on line now?” Would he have puzzled himself with the utility of both her being on line and her keeping the video on, while she is “explaining” the other women how the ‘agency’ works?
I do not mean to be inexact in my narration. This is why I have to acknowledge that Sandgom did not leave the ‘agency’ for one week, as her original plan was. In fact, she met the man had come here to Medellin and went out probably with him to dine, but there was probably something wrong with this DATE. That night, in her return to the house-office, she said to us that she was cancelling her “a-week dating plan”, her pretext or her cause —who knows?— being the impossibility of being unfaithful to one of her on line men: Patrick.

Nobody can foretell the changes somebody else can cause when one becomes acquainted with the other. I say this for him, for her and for myself. An advertisement found by Sandgom in a Medellin newspaper, where it was briefly stated that the “agency” wanted women to work there, introduced unceremoniously her into this work. Her purpose was not to search for a man who would become her pair, but merely to try a different work from the one she has recently renounced. Before the “agency”, she earned her living as an assistant in accountancy. None of our on line men was to know that this mere act of “dating” on line was as moneyed as the sex chats, even if the wage differences are huge —the most Sandgom got in money, in a Saturday, while I was her “translator”, was the equivalent for 30 USA dollars—; so, she kept saying every one in line she worked as an assistant in accountancy, whereas her secret work was to sit by my side and to smile at the Web camera.
The Sandgom’s acquaintance with Patrick Short changed some of this love unexpectedness. Little by little, Patrick became synonymous with “your chance to be married”, maybe with “your chance of working in foreign land”, or maybe with some other secret desire differently utterable within her mind every time she met him in line. The first months of “dating” with Patrick and with the few men we had wiled were comparatively easy for me.

The difficulties caused by simultaneous chats happened after the month of April. Most of men I seduced sagaciously in line for her busied me for hours, almost from the first instant we logged in at 2 p. m. until 10 p. m. Pampering every man with what they expect to find in his wooed woman resulted to be difficult. When I lost one of our “men” for a dialogistic deficiency or for a disability of finding out what they wanted, Sandgom and our “manager” blamed me for the loss.
Erotic talks were licit wiles, very useful to keep men spending credits. Sandgom was able to object a “do not do it” to this, but she did not do, except very few times. What a curious variance! I seemed to eroticize successfully Myron Curley at the same time as I pretended to consent with Brian in religious themes. I endeavoured to persuade Brad that the best music was the one composed and directed by English James Horner while Sandgom was following with her voice any disdained musical barbarity broadcasted in radio. Oh! Oh! I am digressing from Patrick Short! I entered him here as first man in this catalogue of our tricked men, and, consequently, I should postpone the mention of other names. Why do I prioritize Patrick? Why not Willie, the man who lost ignorantly certain quantity of USA money in the illusion of having gifted Sandgom with red roses on her birthday? What if Willie marries Sandgom? Would she confess what was become of his roses? I mean the 10% for me and the 20% for her out of the money paid by him for these false “roses”. Why not Myron Curley? The Canadian who gifted secretly her with perfumes, thongs, Brassieres, Victoria Secret cosmetics and post cards! I mean with “secretly” that no one was to know that she has reciprocated house address with him. That was against the rules of the site! Her telling him her cell phone number was not less daring. Were we two becoming unruly? What if somebody else than Sandom, me and Myron Curley would have known we had transgressed two of the rules? I can easily hypothesize a pardon and an admonition. A dismission of Sandgom from this business of tricking men on line would have been unadvisable for the then “manager” of the “agency”, SH, because of our increasing gains. Our men in chat multiplied satisfactorily month after month. From January to June; from Russell, our first man in January chats, to Dalmon, one of the last men to pop in our chat in May! Sandgom had become one the most favourite women in the site, as we were told by Dave —the policeman in Chicago, or the man with the ugly moustache—. In these six months, Sandgom’s earnings extended from 150.000 Colombian pesos to 400.000 every two weeks, a good wage if all that you have to do is to sit on a cushioned chair for more than seven hours a day, smiling at the video streaming, joking with her “translator”, with brief leavings to go to piss or to change tampon, why not long absences, as when she comes confessedly to kitchen to fetch coffee; but, if you would consider the disproportion between what Sandgom earns and what the owner of the site is treasuring, you would certainly concur with me that it is indignantly wrong. A certain Mr. Gregory is known to be the owner of the Florida agency, an antithesis to philanthropy by mere negation of well-meaning, or, the “capo” of a recent “mafia” busying themselves in a pseudonymous society to “pair” lonely men with “complaisant” women from Ukraine and Latin America. I do not find fittest words than “capo” and “mafia” to signify you indubitably the state of concealment of that conspiracy concerted among Gregory’s subalterns and the persons responsible for “marriage agencies”. The alliance between Babydoll, the owner of the Medellin agency, and Gregory is a good conspiracy as for the gains; but it is bad one as for the traces of duplicity they neglect to erase; for example, you may still find EVE and Aphrodite in their catalogue of Colombian women. The account of EVE represents one 21 years aged woman. The account of Aphrodite represents one 29 years old woman. However, it is the same woman. Babydoll and Eve contrived this trick of duplicating one woman, but this foolish contrivance resulted to be impotent to gain more men on line.

Myron Curley
Age: More than 55 years.
Country: Canada
Chat time: From 3. p. m. to 5 p. m. and from 7 p. m. to 9 p. m. (Before June, to 10 p. m.)
He used to send gifts to Sandgom via air mail: perfumes, Victoria Secret cosmetics, postcards, thongs and brassieres, even something for his son. Sandgom promised him to send used thong. Myron would phone her. She was hardly able to say “I love you, papi”, “I miss you”, but he was happy to hear her voice.
He had promised to send money for her to get a Visa and a new cell phone. Once, he sent one photo of his genitalia and one mail package with one J Iglesias CD, which was maybe misdelivered.

Willie or Willy
Age: More than 42 years. (Birthday: the first days of July)
Country: USA
Chat time: From 7 p. m. to 9 p. m. (Before June, to 10 p. m.)
He is black skinned. Several tattoos were apparent in his photos. His previous meetings with women in such foreign lands as Ukraine have been frustraneous, where, for example, one promised non-smoker became suddenly a smoker. He served the Army and teamed up with a group in a secret military operation near to Colombia. The red flowers he thought to have sent Sandgom on her birthday became money, as the candies and the teddy bears “bought” by Myron Curley: 25% for her, 10% for me and the rest for the owner of the “agency” and the owner of the site. Willy is fond of Western films, mainly the ones with Clint Eastwood. Sandgom used to call him “Memin”.

Time chat: From 2 to 6 p. m.
Age: More than 57 years.
Country: U. S. A.
Language: English.
Russell was the first on line man of Sandgom. He was probable more than 60 years old. Russell was to us what a couple of coins is to anyone who is working for the first time: hope.

Age: More than 55 years.
Country: U. S. A.
Language: English.
The manner I seduced Dalmon into the Sandgom’s chat was by means of an introductory letter. We knew that Dalmon was one of the “men” of Tropicalsun. In precedent attempts we have requested him to chat, which he had courteously declined, with the confession of having already found his lady. The Tropicalsun’s leaving in January of 2009 was the possibility of occupying that vacancy. Sandgom asked me to send him an introductory letter, commonplaced with such phrases as “I do not matter your age”.
The most noteworthy in Dalmon was his thankfulness for my ways of addressing him. It was not the annoying “Baby”, which most of “translators” use to address, but a mere “dear”, which seemed to please him.
He was an easy man to talk to. We chatted with him twice or three times a week, because of his being man of little money to buy credits and chat. His chats were rather long than brief —most of times from 7 p. m until 9 p. m.— Something usual in the subjects of our chats was the meal he was about to eat or the meal he was cooking.
Imagine him returning from his work. Imagine him hurrying his paces directly towards his computer. Imagine him stripping himself while he is turning it on instead of his TV. It is not the man snuggling in a spacious office, but the man who drives a truck, closed in a narrow cabin.
“Princess” —he used to pop in chat— “I have just come home from my job. Give me some minutes to be back. I have to get my supper ready”.

Time in chat: usually from 7 p. m. to 9 p. m. (Before June, to 10 p. m.)
Age: More than 40 years.
Country: Australia.
Language: English.
He is white-skinned, tall and obese. He owns a Cleaning enterprise. He has an infant son named Caden, who stays with him on weekends. He is divorced from an Australian woman. Alan was always willing to buy plane tickets for Sandgom to travel to Australia. He offered to host her in his house for two weeks. We lied him into believing she would visit him in September. He always seemed unwilling to come to Medellin. In June, he offered the “agency” to buy the Sandgom’s personal data, so that they communicate by other means than the “dating site”, but Sandgom either impeded or delayed the realization of this offer by the usual sophism that she was not able to chat without her “translator”.

Chat Time: From 7 to 9 p. m. (Before June, to 10 p. m.)
Age: More than 42 years.
Country: U. S. A.
Language: English.
He is white-skinned, tall and lean. He is the second man in the class of predilection of Sandgom, after Patrick Short. He is even better good looking than Patrick. He is fond of planes in small scale, hunting, fishing, and cooking. He likes to talk about his mother, his sister, his birds. He is father of two adult daughters. He is building a new house.

Age: More than 40 years.
Country: U. S. A.
Language: English.
He is white-skinned, tall and lean. His son is named Luke. Brian is divorced. His ex was a gambler. Her future wife should stay in home while he is working out. He never would hit one woman, unless she becomes insolent. The first dates in chat were very long —six hours, sometimes seven— but when he seemed to suspect Sandgom was chatting with other men, he avoided us or abridged his time.

Chat time: Half an hour three days a week.
Age: More than 38 years.
Country: Japan
Language: English.
He is black-skinned, tall and lean. He works in Japan. Every time Lamar met Sandgom on line, he asked her to stand up to look what she was wearing.

Usual chat time: from 2 p. m. to 4 p.m.
Age: More than 55 years.
Country: U. S. A.
Language: English.
He is black-skinned and tall. I would hardly be able to forget this African man. We cajoled him into believing Sandgom was daughter of one rich man in Medellin. He thought himself very smart for being “conquering” a “rich woman”. Whenever we found out he was chatting with other woman, we forced him to stop by the Sandgom’s fiction of being very jealous.

Age: More than 38 years.
Country: U. S. A.
Language: English.
He is white-skinned, tall and well muscled. He is into survivalism. He used to call Sandgom as “my intellectual woman”. He was one of the men who never were apathetic to my literary compositions. Our first chats with him was really long: more than four hours, talking about Nazis in Mars, subterranean worlds, UFOS, persons ghosting works, Edgar Poe, his old car, his whimsical idea of living out of USA, alchemy. Sandgom used to say he was nice and marriageable after Willie, after Brad, and after Patrick.

Chat time: Seldom.
Age: More than 55 years.
Country: U. S. A.
Language: English.
He is white-skinned, tall and muscled. Babydoll herself had precedently beguiled him. I seduced him into the Sandgom’s chats by inquiring for Babydoll. Knowing that Babydoll was one more fooler, he was unwilling to talk to Colombian women. I do not know how he did change his mind and, consequently, he started to chat with Sandgom.

Chat time: Rarely.
Country: U. S. A.
Age: More than 40.
He is dark-skinned, low and with a monstrosity in hands and foot.

Chat time: Sometimes from 4 to 9 p. m. (Before June, to 10 p. m.)
Age: More than 55 years.
Country: U. S. A.
Language: English.
He is white-skinned, tall and obese. He is into kinky things, mainly bandage. This is why her wife left him, in accordance with his confession. He was willing to visit Sandgom in June, but he disappeared suddenly from chats.

Dave (1)
Age: More than 35 years.
Country: U. S. A.
He is white-skinned, tall and lean. He looked like an Asiatic man. He was one of men on line of TropicalSun. He told us he had sent a computer to her. The theme of his chats was extremely strange, what you would denominate as bizarre, which may be considered as contrary to Sandgom’s prudery. However, she never relucted against my continuing them.

Dave (2)
Chat time: From 7 to 9 p. m. Sometimes from 4 p. m. to 7 p. m. (Before June, to 10 p. m.)
Age: More than 50 years.
Country: U. S. A.
He is white-skinned, tall and moustached as Cantinflas. He is a policeman in Chicago and is divorced from a woman whom he now terms as “mad”. I lost him because of his being very fussy. Sandgom blamed me for this lost.

Chat time: From 2 p. m. to 6 p. m.
Age: More than 45 years.
Country: U. S. A
Languages: Spanish and English.
He is moustached, tall and lean. He is fond of Harry Potter’s Books. His father was a teacher, with many old dictionaries. While working in Wall Street, he was a drug-taker. He works now as a landscaper. He lived in Bolivia for some few years. He lost several friends in terrorist attack against Towers. He corresponds with a Bolivian mom.

Chat time: From 2 p. m. to 7 p. m.
Age: More than 45 years.
Country: U. S. A.
Language: English
He is white-skinned, tall and long haired. He nicknames himself Loco Luke. He works as a security guard. He is fond of Harley Davidson, diving, horses, pool, and Elton John’s songs. He found Sandgom’s smile very sexy. For him, Sandgom is very funny or jocular. He is one of men who doubled our gains with his spending hours in both chat and video streaming. He enjoyed much with my whims, one of which is the fantasy of his putting a pink thong of Sandgom over his head, while riding a horse.

Myron (2)
Chat time: From 2 to 4 p. m. –Not daily, but sometimes.
Age: More than 50 years.
Country: U. S. A.
He is white-skinned and tall. He works as a post dealer. His love was conditional on a change of religion on part of Sandgom. We pretended to consent with him in religious matters. He was willing to pay English lessons for Sandgom, but the money for these lessons was supposed to be sent by other means than the site.

Age: More than 45 years.
Chat time: From 6 to 7 p. m.
Country: Canada.
He is white-skinned, tall and little obese. I beguiled him in French language. He was one of men I beguiled in December under name of Sweetdiana2.

Age: More than 55 years.
Country: U. S. A.
Language: English.
He is white-skinned, tall and hairless. He is one of ex men of Tropicalsun. He is a Karate teacher. We “chased” him, cajoled and kept for months, by lying him into believing that Sandgom would come to US in June to visit him. He delighted in imagining himself visited by her, the more because of the eroticism promised in our chats. As his guest, Sandgom would be, in accordance with our fiction, the most eroticized woman he had ever met.

Age: More than 47 years.
Country: U. S. A.
Language: Spanish.
He is white-skinned, tall and lean. He is an automobile dealer. The motifs of his chats were exclusively erotic. He used to chat in Spanish language. He seemed to be a Latin.

Age: More than 55 years.
Country: U. S. A.
Language: English.
He is white-skinned, obese and bald. He is fond of hats. It is the man who confessed to enjoy coke before the rite of making love to a woman.

Age: More than 50 years.
Country: U. S. A.
Language: English.
He is white-skinned, very tall and obese. He lives in Hawaii. He is from French ascendancy. He used to talk about one soon travel to Colombia. Before leaving chat, he asked Sandgom to stand up and pose for him.

Chat time: from 3 to 6 p. m.
Age: More than 50 years.
Country: Spain
Language: Spanish
He is white-skinned, tall and lean. He was monothematic in funeral fantasies. He domiciles in Madrid. We had built for him a fiction in which one of Sandgom’s sisters was willing marry him. We sent him photos of one young woman, pretending her to be Carolina, one of her sisters.

Chat time: From 3 to 5 p. m.
Age: More than 50 years.
Country: U. S. A.
Language: English
He is white-skinned, tall and lean. He is an architect. He is a good draughtsman. He sent us a beautiful sketch about her daughter. His chats had become allusive to his erotic desires, which he seemed to satisfy by looking at Sandgom and by using his own hands. We kept him for some weeks, even if he suspected my cooperation —the work of a “ghost” — in our fiction.

Chat time: From 4 to 7 p. m.
Age: More than 50 years.
Country: U. S. A.
Language: English.
He is white-skinned, tall, obese and almost deaf. After his divorce, he resides solitarily in a Motel room. He planned to come to Colombia, but we dissuaded him from it, by making him to believe that Sandgom would visit him in October. He likes baseball, and cook shows in TV.

Age: More than 50 years.
Country: U. S. A.
His chats were exclusively erotic, but at the same time, very profitable, because of his spending minutes seeing Sandgom at video streaming. She never asked me to change the eroticism with which I beguiled him. His chats were suspiciously brief. Sandgom and I used to joke with the probability of his leaving after he had orgasmed.

Chat time: From 7 to 9 p. m. (Before June, to 10 p. m.)
Age: More than 50 years.
Country: U. S. A.
It is the same case as the one described for the precedent man, Tim, but he stayed much longer. He used to talk to us, with the only purpose to verbalize his erotic fantasies, and to get reciprocation for these ones. Never a goodbye! Never a Hello! The man appeared and disappeared as an exhibitionist in a public place.

Tim (2)
Country: U. S. A.
Language: English.
Age: More than 43.
He came twice to Medellin. He is tall and white-skinned.

Age: More than 50 years.
Chat time: From 3 to 5 p. m.
Country: U. S. A.
He is fond of Golf. He lives alone. He is a teacher and owns a manufacture. We were able to talk to him in his breaks from work.

Rick (The Cowman)
Chat time: Sometimes from 7 to 9 p. m. (Before June, to 10 p. m.)
Age: More than 50 years.
Country: U. S. A.
He used to say he was searching for a big breasted woman older than 51 years, but we beguiled him by saying him that age was not so important if he had already found the big breasts. He says to be a real cowboy: fire arms, hats, horses.

Chat time: Any moment between 3 p. m. and 9 p. m.
Age: More than 50 years.
Country: U. S. A.
He lives with a daughter who is paralytic. He is fond of Lionel Ritchie. I remember he sent once Sandgom the lyrics of “Ballerina Girl”.

Chat time: From 2 p. m. to 5 p. m.
Age: More than 33 years.
He is from Germany and is a professional soldier.

Chat time: From 2 p. m. to 4 p. m.
Age: More than 60 years.
Country: USA
I remember our first chat happened while he was interned in a hospital. He thought himself too old for Sandgom.

Age: More than 40 years.
Country: Mexico.
He was the president of a company which was about to break. He is moustached.

Dave Miles Oman (You may find in FaceBook)
Country: Canada
Age: More than 55 years.
Chat Time: From 3 to 5 p. m. Sometimes from 7 to 9 p. m.
Languages: English and French.
He is an actor and musician. It was delightful to exchange romantic vaguenesses with him.

Age: More than 50.
Country: U. S. A.
Chat time: Varying times. Sometimes they were early in our shift.
He is fond of fishing and of boats. He lives with his two daughters, who are teenagers. He used to boast about the 15-years birthday party of one of his daughters, celebrated in a famous place belonging to a renowned music channel. Frank was working in electrical devices. He was not a truster of the “dating site”, but rather, a suspecter of this one. He knew that there is money involved in the prolonged sessions of chat offered by women.

Age: More than 50.
Country: U. S. A.
Chat time: Varying times. Most of them: From 7 to 9 p. m.
He has come to Cali, Colombia, several times.

Age: More than 45.
Country: Canada.
Languages: English and Italian.
He is an immigrant from Rome, Italia.

Age: More than 55 years.
Country: U. S. A.
Language: English.
He lost his wife some years ago. She was sick with cancer.

Chat time: From 7 p. m. to 9 p. m. (Before June, to 10 p. m.)
Age: More than 50.
Country: U. S. A.
He is green eyed.

Chat time: From 7 p. m. to 9 p. m. (Before June, to 10 p. m.)
Age: More than 50.
Country: U. S. A.
He is moustached, white-skinned. His flatteries become very soon erotic monothematism.

Chat time: From 7 p. m. to 9 p. m. (Before June, to 10 p. m.)
Age: More than 55.
Country: U. S. A.
Language: English.
He is moustached, white-skinned and spectacled. He is a chef. Most of time, he seems to be on line, but he chats rarely.

Chat time: From 3 p. m. to 5 p. m.
Age: More than 55.
Country: U. S. A.
Language: English.
He is white-skinned.

Chat time: From 3 p. m. to 5 p. m.
Age: More than 45.
Country: England
Language: English.
He is white-skinned. He makes his living by driving a taxi.


View User's Profile E-Mail User User's Site View All Replies By Estefalu (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 09-26-2009 at 17:30 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Great reading- Thanks

This is the best posting i have read on any of the forums.

I would like to add just briefly, ALL agencies are the same.

I noticed the moderators on this site were happy none of their sites got a mention, for if it did, the posting above would not be on here.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By greglands (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 09-27-2009 at 15:36 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
I agree with Mark

No women is going to like a bitter person. I have seen your post over and over, same stupid stuff. Greglands, or what over you name is, move on stop blaming every one because you have no game.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By TJblackwell (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 10-08-2009 at 11:43 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
One more Proof

Here is one more proof that the Medellin agency and the Florida agency have a secret scam. I worked for almost on year for that agency and I know this woman nicknamed EVE. Babydoll, the owner of this Medellin agency thought she was able to fool more men by inventing a new "29 years woman", which she nicknamed APHRODITE. Well, the fact is EVE and APHRODITE is the same woman. Look at the photo, please, and you will see the fake difference of age between the one and the other.
View User's Profile E-Mail User User's Site View All Replies By Estefalu (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 10-10-2009 at 20:59 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

Thanks for letting us know Estefalu.

However, I am a really quite a bit PISSED and HURT with/by BOTH you and Sandra.

For Real and Sincerely - NOT FUCKING FAKE!

View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By Sir_Kalin (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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posted on 10-13-2009 at 08:04 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
who and want did they do

Ha Kelly,

I am curious what is going on? why are you pissed?
who is this Sandra? What is her last name and does she work for an agency?
View User's Profile E-Mail User User's Site View All Replies By ken (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 10-14-2009 at 12:17 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

I DO NOT KNOW WHAT HAS BECOME OF HER...BUT SHE IS NOT ALREADY WORKING IN THAT AGENCY... Maybe she married to one of these fools who spends dollars in DATING SITES, and now that she got her VISA, maybe she is going to get divorced. HA HA HA
EVERY DATING SITE is a fraud, whatever name it has: anastasia, amolatina, russianlovematch, a foreign affair, etc.


View User's Profile E-Mail User User's Site View All Replies By Estefalu (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 10-14-2009 at 12:22 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator



View User's Profile E-Mail User User's Site View All Replies By Estefalu (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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Location: South Africa

posted on 06-28-2011 at 06:05 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Getting a refund, why NOT!

I have been through this scam stuff, I am sure that the girls i had contact with, and they fell in love with me were just administration people writing to me and taking my money. I have spent in excess of $1000 for nothing. In my currancy it is R7000. Now i am in sales, and if i give a falce service to my customer, he will be 100% entitled to get his money back. We are clearly being scammed by these dating sites, why can we not get our money back, or am i wrong????


South Africa
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posted on 07-24-2011 at 03:08 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
refund - good luck!


How can you expect a refund from a scammer? Even if there is an "ethical and honest" website to which you sent your money and the scammer is a "local" agency, you will have to prove the scam with documents and a lot of work - almost impossible.

The only think that has worked for me so far is to see the woman on webcam, do not chat too much with her, and then go to see her and others in person and find out if it's real or not and if you have chemistry with the woman or not. I have found out that if the woman does not speak English and needs an interpreter, it is very difficult to make it work. Not impossible, but a lot more difficult (and expensive to use interpreters all the time) than if she knows English.

Best of luck getting a refund from a thief.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By dpjones777 (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 07-26-2011 at 12:19 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Caution yourself against Dating sites

You should caution men against DATING SITES instead of exhorting them to try. There is no doubt that every DATING SITE is a fraud where “they” offer an ANTI-SCAMM service. I was “translator” in one of these sites and I am sure that every DATING SITE is programmed to fool men in the same manner as we did; this is, to cheat you out of your money through personating women: we, “translators” are tasked with personating the women, to lie saying that the women did not get money for our chat, to fool as many men as we can. If you still pay for chatting in a DATING SITE, you are a GREAT FOOL. Every woman in DATING SITES gets money for their fiction. Never forget thatText
View User's Profile E-Mail User User's Site View All Replies By Estefalu (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 07-31-2011 at 21:54 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

Pretty post. I just found your site and wanted to say that I have really enjoyed browsing your posts.In any case I'll be subscribing to

your blog and I hope you post again soon

View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By romancefer (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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